Monday, December 7, 2015


The first movie I watched at the Hawaii International Film Festival was   "Seventh Fire" by DirectorJack Pettibone Riccobono.

This film was about a  Native American Rob Brown who was in prison five times and a young protege of his and how the drug culture that once haunted Rob in his reservation is still continuing in the reservation with today's youth.  This was a powerful documentary a must see.

I think the highlight of this film for me was  I got to meet the director and star Rob Brown and hear their personal accounts on how this documentary was made and filmed in different times and how long the process took.    It was also fascinating to see that Rob had turned himself and is a positive leader within his tribe on the reservation.
A must see, go check out more at  the website.


  I had the opportunity to obtain a Press pass to this year's  Hawaii International Film Festival,
although  my part time job and full college schedule has kept me pretty busy I was able to view two films during the festival.     I watched a film called   "Love Among the Ruins" it was a silent film recreation, and I have to say it was done quite well, because I didn't know it was a recreation, I actually believed the story line of the lost footage and the love story.   I was quite suprised how much I could enjoy a silent film without any dialogue.  The actors and actresses did remarkably well during the film, and the director and cinematographer were on point in this film.  I highly recommend seeing this film if you have a chance.

Here is a link to the trailer


Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Classmate Florian Saupp, and myself doing some last minute cramming for Finals , Spring 2015, #HPU #HPN!

Can't wait for this semester to be over, it has been fun, but as usual I procrastinate until the end and then try to stress and cram it all at last minute!

Just to hurry and start Summer Semester!


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

You don't know a thing about me

After completing a 20 year career in the United States Military going back to school was a bit weird for me to be around people half my age, and sitting along side them learning an entire new field.

I am currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Multimedia Cinematic Production,  I am finding it very challenging ,  I have always wanted to learn about film making, but never pursued it till now.

However, I did always have a passion for photography, and just wanted to share some of my shots taken the past few months.   Couldn't sleep so I figured I would write this post, hope anyone who is reading enjoys the shots!


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Interview with Florian Saupp



Florian is one of my college classmates, and this was for an assignment in class.
We had to do a video interview,  and a text blog about the interview.

Question 1:
What was it like for you as a kid growing up in Germany?

Answer:   It was pretty much the same as America, playing a lot outside, football, basketball , etc.

Question 2:  I heard German's start drinking at an early age?  Is this true and if so, how old were you when you had your first beer?

Answer:  Ya, it is very true,   I believe I was eleven years old when I had my first beer.

Question 3:   Have you visited many countries?  Do you have a funny story from any of them?

Answer:  Yes, I have been to several countries,  I was attending my friends wedding in Thailand, and it was a traditional wedding with monks, we were sitting behind the monks, then all of a sudden a "handy" - cell phone started ringing.  We all looked around at each other, thinking what the fu...?
Then the monk reached into his robe , pulled out a cell phone, turned around at us and took our picture and put it back in his pocket.

During the interview (video) we decided to have him speak in German, and I would add my own translation in subtitles.   It was a fun project, and I made a new friend out of it!   Florian is a funny guy and great to work with!  

Watch video here:  Video Interview Project
Thanks Florian!

Jason Hanscom